Secretary General of the Senate of the Netherlands, Vice-President of ASGP

Eester Kamer der Staten Generaal
Binnenhof 22
The Hague
2513 AA

On the 1st of October 2018, Dr Remco Nehmelman started work as Secretary-General of the Senate of the Netherlands. His previous positions include a full-time appointment as full professor of Constitutional Law at Utrecht University, in addition to the positions of assistant and Associate professor at VU Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam, and an appointment as a Senior Policy Advisor/Legislative Lawyer at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. From October 2018, he will remain affiliated with Utrecht University as a voluntary Professor of Public Constitutional Law.  In the period 2007–2012, Dr Nehmelman served as a consultant to the Groups of States against Corruption (GRECO) of the Council of Europe managing the transparency of funding for political parties. From June 2013 until June 2017, he was a member of the Council for Public Administration, and from April 2015 until September 2018, he was a member of the Dutch Electoral Council.  Dr Nehmelman is elected to the Executive Committee in March 2022.

Associated Documents


Communication by Mr Remco NEHMELMAN, Secretary General of the Dutch Senate on “The Renovation of the Dutch Parliament”

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Communication by Dr Remco NEHMELMAN, Secretary General of the Senate of the Netherlands, on “Constitutional conventions in the Dutch Parliament”

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Communication by Dr Remco NEHMELMAN, Secretary General of the Senate of the Netherlands, on “In the News”

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Contribution by Dr Remco NEHMELMAN, Secretary General of the Senate of the Netherlands, to the General Debate on How do we make better legislation?

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